Authority Documents & Routine Disclosure


These documents are instrumental to the purpose, objectives and tasks of the EPA and are consistent with the longer-term vision of the EPA Board and its future direction.​​​​ Some documents are required pursuant to the Environmental Management and Pollution Control Act 1994 (EMPCA).

Routine Disclosure

Under the Right to Information Act 2009 we make information available to the public through proactive disclosure. This means we will routinely make available information to assist the public in understanding what it is we do and how we do it. 

  • Annual Reports
    The EPA Annual Report covers the work of the Board, Director and staff of the Environment Protection Authority.
  • EPA Policy Register
    The Board of the EPA maintains a Policy Register containing identified Tasmanian Government policies relevant to the EPA's powers and functions under the Act.
  • Registers of Instruments
    Register of Environmental Management and Enforcement Instruments under section 22 of EMPCA.
  • Statement of Expectation
    EMPCA requires the Minister responsible for the Act to provide the Board of the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) with a Statement of Expectation.
  • Statement of Intent
    EMPCA requires the Minister responsible for the Act to provide the Board of the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) with a Statement of Expectation. In response and under section 15B of the Act, the EPA Board is required to respond by providing the Minister with a Statement of Intent.
  • Strategic Plan
    The EPA's Strategic Plan focuses on the objectives and tasks of the Board and Director and staff of the EPA, consistent with the longer-term vision and purpose of the EPA.
  • Routine Disclosure
    We routinely make available information that will assist the public in understanding what it is we do and how we do it.