Authority Policies

​​​​​​The following Environment Protection Authority policies and procedures deal with the health, safety and accountability of employees, as well as their interactions with clients and the public. ​

​The EPA and Tasmanian Government have policies about how we manage information that you provide to us when, for example you make a report, complaint or submission. There are also principles that apply when we provide information to you. 

If you are dissatisfied with how we have handled an issue, there are further steps you can take.  If you feel there has been improper or corrupt conduct there is a system to report this.​

  • Aboriginal and Dual Naming Policy
    The EPA supports the Tasmanian Government's Aboriginal and Dual Naming Policy which allows geographical features and places to be given both an Aboriginal language name and an introduced name of areas that have significance to Tasmania's Aboriginal history.
  • Accessibility
    The EPA is working to improve our online information and experiences so that they are more useful, usable, and accessible for everyone.
  • Child and Youth Safety and Wellbeing
    All children and young people have the right to be safe and feel safe. For information on our commitment to child and youth safety and wellbeing​, please see the EPA's Child and Youth Safety and Wellbeing Policy and Reporting and Investigating Reportable Conduct Procedure. This page has a link to the online reporting form.
  • EPA Gender Equality Principles
    Workplace equality will enable all EPA staff access to the same rewards, resources and opportunities (regardless of gender), where our employees’ individuality will be respected.
  • EPA WHS Policy Statement
    Work Health and Safety (WHS) is an important issue for everyone. This Policy Statement reflects the EPA's position on WHS.
  • Fraud and Corruption Control System
    The EPA does not tolerate fraud or corruption in the workplace. To prevent, deter and detect incidents of fraud and corruption the Budget Risk and Audit Committee and the Executive Management Committee have approved the EPA Fraud and Corruption Control System.
  • Gifts, Benefits and Hospitality - Policy and Procedures
    The policy aims to provide Environment Protection Authority employees and officers with the information needed to identify, disclose and take reasonable steps to avoid conflicts of interest related to accepting gifts, benefits or hospitality.
  • If you are dissatisfied
    Further actions you can take if you are dissatisfied with how an issue, report or complaint you have raised is handled.
  • Information Provision Policy
    ​​​​​​The EPA's Policy for providing information to internal and external stakeholders.
  • Personal Information and Public Submissions
    Information about how we handle your personal information and what we publish if you make a submission to us.
  • Personal Information Protection Policy
    ​​​​​The collection, maintenance, use and disclosure of personal information relating to individuals is regulated by the Personal Information Protection Act 2004 (PIP Act).
  • Reporting Improper or Corrupt Conduct
    What you can do if you believe you have experienced improper or corrupt conduct.