Policy, Legislation & Cooperative Arrangements

​​​​​Policies and legislation ​underpin Tasmania’s environmental management and pollution control systems.

A range of Acts and regulations are supported by State Policies and Environment Protection Policies, while National Environment Protection Policies also provide national consistency across a range of matters.

We have cooperative arrangements with other agencies and organisations to ensure clarity about roles and responsibilities such as:

  1. Memoranda of Understanding with the Local Government Association of Tasmania (LGAT); Tasmania Fire Service; Forest Practices Authority and DPIPWE;

  2. Managing marine oil and chemical spills via TasPlan; and

  3. Helping to clean up litter and dumping with land managers through the Litter and Dumping Management System (LaDMS).

  • About Policy and Legislation
    Overview of the systems and organisations involved with environmental management and pollution control in Tasmania.
  • Acts & Regulations
    Overview of the legislative framework for environmental management and pollution control in Tasmania.
  • Statutory Policies
    Policies are an important part of the system to deliver environmental management outcomes. Typically, they provide the principles and objectives to be achieved through a wide range of formal processes and informal activities. Statutory policies covering environmental management issues include State Policies, Environment Protection Policies, and National Environment Protection Policies.
  • Cooperative Arrangements
    The EPA enters into cooperative arrangements with a range of agencies to enable it to carry out its work. Examples include oil spill response arrangements under TasPlan and working with land managers to facilitate cleanup of litter and dumping through the Litter and Dumping Management System (LADMS). A number of memoranda of understanding are in place to clarify the roles and responsibilities of the EPA and partners in working relationships.