Acts & Regulations

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ ​​Environmental Management a​nd Pollution Control Act

EMPCA is part of the Tasmanian Resource Management and Planning System, and provides the legislative framework for environmental management and pollution control in the State.


Litter Act

The Litter Act 2007 is Tasmania's key litter legislation. The Act introduced new types of littering laws into Tasmania and provides a legal basis for the Litter Hotline.


National Environmental Protection Council (Tasmania) Act

An Act that mirrors corresponding legislation in the other Australian jurisdictions to establish the National Environment Protection Council, and provide a framework for the development of national environmental standards in Australia.

Plastic Bag Act

The Plastic Shopping Bags Ban Act 2013 prohibits retailers in Tasmania from supplying lightweight bags to shoppers.

Marine-related Incidents (MARPOL Implementation) Act

The Act establishes the framework for dealing with discharges of oil and other pollutants from ships, and gives effect in Tasmania to the international MARPOL convention on marine pollution.


O​​ther Acts

Other Acts also have an important role in Tasmania's planning and management systems. These include:

Furthe​r information is available on the role of the range of organisations in implementing environmental management and pollution control in Tasmania.​