Cooperative Arrangements

​​​​​​​​The EPA enters into cooperative arrangements with a range of agencies to enable it to carry out its work. Examples include oil spill response arrangements under TasPlan and working with land managers to facilitate cleanup of litter and dumping through the Litter and Dumping Management System (LADMS). 

A number of memoranda of understanding are in place to clarify the roles and responsibilities of the EPA and partners in working relationships.​

  • Memoranda of Understanding
    Details of EPA Memoranda of Understanding (MoU) with other authorities and agencies.
  • Marine Oil and Chemical Spills
    Information on the role of the EPA in preparedness for and responding to marine oil and chemical spills in Tasmania.
  • Report Rubbish and the Litter and Dumping Management System
    The Litter and Dumping Management System commonly referred to as LaDMS is the reporting tool to report Litter and dumping. The Litter and Dumping Management System has two user views: Report Rubbish is the public reporting tool and LaDMS is the land manager user view, where land managers access all the records.