Tasmanian Marine Oil Spill Contingency Plan (TasPlan)

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The Tasmanian Marine Oil Spill Contingency Plan (TasPlan) outlines the response and arrangements in place in the event of a spill into the Tasmanian marine environment, and a number of sub-plans sit under TasPlan.​

  Tasmanian Marine Oil Spill Contingency Plan (TasPlan)   (PDF 2Mb)​

Note: some documents on this page require a password and some linked sites require a login.  Please contact the Marine Pollution Officer (details below) for access.

First Strike Plans

​Associ​​ated Plans

​​Other Documents and Links

Aide-Memoire for Marine Pollution Response   (PDF 4Mb)

National Environmental Maritime Ope​rations (NEMO) - login required

NEMO - Equipment Listing​ - login required

Weather and Tide - www.bom.gov.au​

Primary and Secondary Port Pilotage Areas​ - LISTmap

Inter-Governmental Agreement (IGA)​

​Reference Documents
