The EPA has entered into Memoranda of Understanding (MoU) with a number of entities. These MoUs clarify the roles and responsibilities of each party and document collaborative working relationships.
Derwent Estuary Program MoU
The EPA and the Derwent Estuary Program (DEP) MoU specifies the contributions from the EPA to the DEP Ltd, and to specify the data sharing arrangements between the EPA and the DEP Ltd.
MoU between the EPA and DEP (PDF 2Mb)
Local Government Association of Tasmania MoU
The EPA and Local Government Association of Tasmania (on behalf of member councils) MoU to clarify roles and responsibilities in relation to environmental regulation and pollution control.
MoU between LGAT and the EPA
Tasmania Fire Service MoU
The EPA and Tasmania Fire Service MoU in relation to responses to land-based oil and chemical spills.
MoU between EPA and TFS
Forest Practices Authority MoU
The EPA Board and Forest Practices Authority (FPA) MoU regarding matters of overlapping jurisdiction in relation to the impacts of forestry activities in Tasmania.
MoU between EPA and FPA (PDF 150Kb)
The EPA and Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment MoU in relation to regulating the environmental impacts of agricultural and veterinary chemical use.
MoU between EPA and Secretary of DPIPWE
Note: this MoU will be subject to review to reflect the name change from DPIPWE to the Department of Natural Resources and Environment Tasmania.