Active Disclosure
Active Disclosure is where the disclosure of information is voluntary, in response to a request from a person and is not assessed under the Right to Information Act.
Assessed Disclosure
Certain information released in response to
Right to Information requests will be published online at the same time or at the latest within 48 hours of being released to the applicant.
This approach makes information released to an applicant available to a wider audience and increases transparency and accountability.
Applicants should note that:
If they seek and are granted a waiver of the application fee on the basis of general public interest, and it is determined that the information is in the broader public interest, publication of the released information is likely.
No personal information will be published and so the applicant's identity will not be published. The category of the applicant will be published, i.e. Member of Parliament, media representative, a private individual.
A summary of the application will be published. This gives context to the nature of the released information.
Information of a commercial or confidential nature will not be published.
RTI 021
| 19/9/23
| Correspondence regarding the impacts on threatened species of the St Patricks Plains Wind Farm
| Member of the Public
| EPA RTI 021 - Correspondence regarding the impacts on threatened species of the St Patricks Plains Wind Farm (PDF 9Mb)
RTI 023
| 10/2/23
Note: published on Disclosure Log on 9/8/23
| Weed and Disease Management Plan for Upper Derwent Valley Hard Rock Quarry, Roberts Rd, Maydena Permit Part B, Permit conditions – Environmental No 9592, as stated in condition OP2(1) of Permit conditions
| Member of the Public
| EPA RTI 023 - Weed and Disease Management Plan - Upper Derwent Valley Hard-Rock Quarry, Maydena - October 2018 (PDF 6Mb)
RTI 016
| 8/6/23
Note: published on Disclosure Log on 9/8/23
| Meetings and correspondence between the salmon companies and the EPA on regulatory matters.
| Member of Parliament
| EPA RTI 016 - Meetings and Correspondence between salmon companies and EPA on Regulatory matters - Part 1 (PDF 5Mb)
EPA RTI 016 - Meetings and Correspondence between salmon companies and EPA on Regulatory matters - Part 2 (PDF 48Kb)
EPA RTI 016 - Meetings and Correspondence between salmon companies and EPA on Regulatory matters - Part 3 (PDF 3Mb) |
RTI 004
| 31/8/22
Note: published on Disclosure Log on 9/8/23
| Current Turbine Shutdown Management Plan (see Environment Protection Notice No. 10105/1 issued to Wild Cattle Hill Pty Ltd on 13 March 2019 (FF 16)).
| Member of the Public
EPA RTI 004 - Cattle Hill Turbine Shutdown Management Plan (PDF 3Mb)
RTI 081
| 1/8/22
Note: published on Disclosure Log on 9/8/23
| Documents related to the collision on 28 January 2022 involving ‘Goliath’ and two berthed tugs.
| Member of the Public
RTI 081 - Documents relating to 28 January 2022 collision of the Goliath with TasPorts tugs (PDF 2Mb)
RTI 012
| 3/3/23
Note: published on Disclosure Log on 28/4/23
| Peppermint Hill Waste Facility annual reports submitted to the EPA and the GHD report "Peppermint Hill Environment Management Plan July 2003”.
| Member of the Public
| Part 1 consisting of annual reports totalling 1,200 pages cannot be published on the Disclosure Log due to its size. If you require this information please email
RTI 012 - Part 2 - Peppermint Hill Environment Management Plan (PDF 16Mb) |
RTI 005
| 16/12/22
| The effluent system review and management plans (ESRMPs) submitted to EPA by Van Dairy. The ESRMPs relating to ‘Milky Plains’ and ‘Newlands’ and documentation from 2021 to 30 August 2022.
| Member of Parliament
| RTI 005 - Milky Plains ESRMP (PDF 3Mb)
RTI 005 - Newlands ESRMP (PDF 6Mb)
RTI 005 - Van Dairy effluent management (PDF 18Mb) |
RTI 008
| 18/11/22
| Reporting and records on specific salmon leases MF281 for Huon Aquaculture and MF94 for Tassal from 30 September 2021 to 30 June 2022
| Media Representative
| RTI 008 - salmon leases MF281 for Huon Aquaculture and MF94 for Tassal (PDF 23Mb)
RTI 008 - Tassal Item 1 (PDF 4Mb)
RTI 008 - Tassal Item 2 (PDF 3Mb)
RTI 008 - Tassal Item 3 (PDF 13Mb) |
RTI 007
| 27/10/22
| Information relating to 40 Vermeer Avenue:
- Letter report titled 'Addendum Plume Stability Assessment, Rocherlea, Tasmania', dated 31 August 2022 and prepared by JBS&G Australia Pty Ltd
- Letter titled 'Review of Addendum Plume Stability Assessment, Environmental Assessment Works Required Under Investigation Notice No. 10534/1', dated 2 September 2022 and prepared by Australian Environmental Auditors.
| Member of the Public
| RTI 007 - Information relating to 40 Vermeer Avenue (PDF 59Mb)
RTI 003
| 27/9/22
| All information, documents and correspondence, excluding peer reviews, relating to the IMAS reef condition study of Long Bay.
| Media representative
| RTI 003 - Correspondence re IMAS Long Bay Study (PDF 22Mb)
RTI 002
| 18/8/22
| Copper Mines of Tasmania - Annual Environmental Reviews from April 2011 to March 2021.
| Member of the Public
| RTI 002 - Copper Mines of Tasmania Annual Environmental Reviews (PDF 173Mb)
RTI 085
| 26/8/22
Note: published on Disclosure Log on 28/4/23
| Jenkins Compost Facility land, air, and water testing information from 2009 to June 2022.
| Member of the Public
| RTI 085 - Jenkins Compost Facility (PDF 11Mb)
RTI 074
| 10/8/22
| Salmon mortality figures; causes* and disposal by lease and the geographic area reported to the EPA by the three main Tasmanian aquaculture companies (Petuna; Tassal and Huon Aquaculture**) from May 2020 to May 2022.
*Part of the request was transferred for a decision to NRE Tasmania regarding salmon mortality causes. However, the published information on the probable cause of mortalities disclosed by the EPA is a requirement under Environmental Licence conditions. ** The internal review conducted by an independent RTI Officer has determined that additional material should be redacted as it constitutes material that may impact on the affairs of a company by exposing it to competitive disadvantage (s37 of the RTI Act).
| Organisation
| RTI 074 - Salmon Mortalities, Huon Aquaculture - Part 1 (XLSX 25Kb)
RTI 074 - Salmon Mortalities, Huon Aquaculture - Part 2 (XLSX 26Kb)
RTI 074 - Salmon Mortalities, Petuna - Part 1 (XLSX 25Kb)
RTI 074 - Salmon Mortalities, Petuna - Part 2 (XLSX 26Kb)
RTI 074 - Salmon Mortalities, Tassal - Part 1 (XLSX 31Kb)
RTI 074 - Salmon Mortalities, Tassal - Part 2 (XLSX 26Kb)
RTI 074 - Salmon Mortalities (PDF 61Kb) |
RTI 083
| 28/7/22
| Cawthron Institute review of the EPA salmonid regulatory requirements report.
October 2019 email correspondence actively disclosed on Internal Review, which upheld the original decision's disclosure.
Cawthron Institute review of the EPA salmonid regulatory requirements report - further disclosed information.
| Organisation
| RTI 083 - Cawthron review of EPA salmonid report (PDF 32Mb)
RTI 083 - October 2019 email correspondence actively disclosed on Internal Review (PDF 929Kb)
RTI 083 - Cawthron review of EPA Salmonid report - Further disclosed information (PDF 16Mb) |
RTI 058
| 27/5/22
| Correspondence relating to change in noise limits for wind energy developments.
| Member of the public
| RTI 058 - Noise limits for wind energy developments (PDF 9Mb)
RTI 038
| 28/02/22
| Correspondence relating to the Robbins Island Wind Farm proposal.
On 22 April 2022 the attached document replaced the original document following additional information being released through the internal review process.
| Member of Parliament
| RTI 038 - Robbins Island Wind Farm (PDF 89Mb)