Our Vision, Goals & Values

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Ou​​r Vision

A clean, healthy and sustainable Tasmania.

Our Purpose

To protect and enhance the quality of the Tasmanian environment in balance with economic and social values, and the needs of future generations.


  • Transparent and robust decision making based on the best available science and advice.
  • Supporting and promoting environmentally sustainable economic development.
  • Engaged staff that are supported in their professional development.​

​​​Our Values


Our work is underpinned by scientific and evidence based principles, objectivity, professional rigour, and the best available information. We use contemporary science and technology to make informed decisions.


The EPA values diversity. We are committed to providing safe, culturally appropriate, and inclusive workplace for all people, regardless of their ethnicity, faith, disability, sexuality, or gender identity.​


We make decisions to improve environmental outcomes that also support business and industry and the community.


We consult with, and listen to, a wide range of interests, views and stakeholders across industry, government, and the community. We value working in partnership with other agencies and organisations to improve decisions and outcomes.


Working with the community and industry requires us to share our directions and achievements openly. It is important for us to show how and why we have made our decisions, and how we have delivered on our commitments.


We strive to perform all our work to relevant professional standards for environmental management and pollution control, and to conduct ourselves in accordance with principles and rules established in the Tasmanian State Service Act 2000.

Our Goals

​​​Clean Air

Air quality that supports good health and amenity of our community.

Clean Water

Water quality that supports healthy freshwater and marine ecosystems, and meets the needs of our community, industry and economy.

Clean Land

Land that is free of contaminants and waste, is managed responsibly to prevent pollution of the environment and compromising the future use of the land.

Healthy Noise Environment

An environment in which noise is not unreasonably intrusive and does not compromise community health or amenity.

Sustainable Development

Development that supports a productive community and economy, while sustaining the potential of natural and physical resources to meet the needs of future generations.​

Climate Change​​

Remain informed of contemporary climate science to inform assessments and regulation.

​​​Acknowle​​dgement of People and Country

We the Environment Protection Authority acknowledge all Aboriginal people; the traditional owners of the Land upon which we work, and pay our respects to Elders past and present.