Who We Are

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The EPA was established as an independent statutory authority under the Environmental Management and Pollution Control Act 1994 (EMPCA) as an integral part of Tasmania's Resource Management and Planning System it was also established​ as a standalone agency under the State Service Act 2000 in December 2021. The EPA has professional and specialist staff within four divisions: Office of the CEO; Environmental Assessments; Environmental Regulation and Salmon Environmental Regulation. 

EPA Organisational Structure (PDF 117Kb)

​​Statutory Fu​​nctions

The EPA's principal statutory functions are to administer and enforce the provisions of the EMPCA, and in particular, to use its best endeavours to:

  • further the sustainable development and environmental management and pollution control objectives of the EMPCA
  • ensure that activities do not cause unacceptable pollution
  • advise the Minister on any matter that may significantly affect the achievement of the objectives of the EMPCA, and
  • ensure that economic instruments and issues are considered in policy and program implementation.

The EP​​​A Board

The EPA Board consists of an independent Chair, three other independent members – one of which is a Deputy Chair, alongside the Director. In addition, a Deputy Member may be appointed by the Governor and participates in Board decisions if a Board member is unable for any reason to perform his or her duties. ​

Board ​​​Responsibilities

The Board's primary functions are to assess environmental impacts and determine appropriate operating conditions for the larger scale developments described in EMPCA. Other areas of responsibility include environmental agreements, audits, improvement programs, financial assurances, the Environment Protection Fund, the Savage River Rehabilitation Project, fee remissions and policy implementation.

The Director, EPA has a range of functions and powers prescribed in EMPCA, including a number of powers exercised under delegation from the Board; and is also responsible for administering the Litter Act 2007 and the Marine-related Incidents (MARPOL Implementation) Act 2020. The Director is in charge of the day-to-day regulatory decisions in relation to larger scale (Level 2) industrial activities, contaminated sites and issues of environmental harm or nuisance.

The Board and Director make determinations independently of the Minister and elected Government. 

Assessment officers provide advice to the Board and Director to enable them to make well informed environmental assessment decisions that are supported by science.

The EPA's regulators ensure industrial, municipal and community activities adhere to best practice environmental management standards.

Membership of Board

The Board consists of:

  1. the Chairperson, being a person who has expertise or experience in public administration and environmental or natural resource management

  2. the Director

  3. a person with practical knowledge of, and experience in, environmental management in industry, commerce or economic development

  4. a person with practical knowledge of, and experience in, environmental management and expertise in one or more of the following:
    • environmental conservation
    • natural and resource management
    • air, noise or water pollution
    • management and prevention of waste
    • environmental health
    • social and economic analysis

  5. a pers​​on with practical knowledge of, and experience in, environmental management in local government.

EPA Director

The Director, Environment Protection Authority is a statutory appointment by the Governor under section 18 of EMPCA.  The Director is also the Chief Executive Officer of the agency under the State Service Act 2000.

The Director also has statutory functions under other legislation, including the Litter Act 2007 and the Marine-related Incident (MARPOL Implementation) Act 2020.

EPA Board members

The members of the EPA Board are appointed on a skills basis as set down in legislation and bring knowledge and experience of environmental management across a range of fields.

​​Information about the current Board members​

EPA Board Protocols

The EPA Board Protocols detail the governance of the EPA Board and are a standing action item for the Board to review annually or as required.

The protocols essentially build on the provisions of Schedule 4 of the EMPCA and set out terms of reference for the operation of the Board including circulation of agenda papers, deliberation and timing of out of session items, arrangements for cancelling meetings and other miscellaneous matters​.

 EPA Board Protocols (PDF 175Kb)

Minutes of Board ​​Meetings

​Minutes of the Board meetings are available online: ​EPA Board Minutes

Contact the Board​​

All contact concerning Board Meetings should be directed to:

(03) 6165 4507 or via the Contact Us​ page.