Business & Industry

​​​​​​​​​​The EPA's principal statutory functions are to administer and enforce the provisions of the EMPCA, and in particular, to use its best endeavours to:

  • further the sustainable development and environmental management and pollution control objectives of the EMPCA
  • ensure that activities do not cause unacceptable pollution
  • advise the Minister on any matter that may significantly affect the achievement of the objectives of the EMPCA, and
  • ensure that economic instruments and issues are considered in policy and program implementation
  • Assessment
    ​The EPA Board is responsible for assessing the potential environmental impacts of certain activities under the Environmental Management and Pollution Control Act 1994.
  • Regulation
    The EPA is the independent environmental regulator of several hundred industrial, municipal and fish farming activities of various types and sizes.
  • Site Information
    For each of the premises it regulates, the EPA produces several types of documents which specify conditions under which the activities are to operate. These documents can be accessed via LISTmap by searching for the location of the regulated premise. They are linked directly from the EPA's database ensuring that the public are provided with the latest information on environmental regulation throughout Tasmania.
  • Compliance and Enforcement
    Outline of the approach to encourage, monitor, and where necessary, enforce compliance with legislation.
  • EPA Fees
    Information relating to all fees payable under Environmental Management and Pollution Control (General) Regulations 2017
  • Waste & Resource Recovery
    Business and industry have a corporate responsibility to respect and proactively manage how resources are used or transformed throughout a product lifecycle.