The Proposal
ACEN Robbins Island Pty Ltd (formerly UPC Robbins Island Pty Ltd) proposes to lodge a permit application for a wind energy project under the Land Use Planning and Approvals Act 1993 with the Circular Head Council. The project involves up to 122 wind turbines over the western two-thirds of the island producing up to 1000 MW. The project will also include the construction of up to three substations on Robbins Island and underground electrical infrastructure as well as a range of ancillary infrastructure, such as roads and on-site quarries. The proposal will include the construction of a bridge between Robbins Island and mainland Tasmania and a wharf for delivery of wind turbine components and construction equipment.
Transmission of electricity from the project site is proposed via a new Transmission Line from Robbins Island Road to Sheffield. This will be a separate project which will be subject to project specific environmental impact assessment.
Details of the proposal are available in the Notice of Intent (NOI) which can be viewed below.
The proposal is subject to environmental impact assessment in accordance with the Environmental Management and Pollution Control Act 1994.
The Board of the Environmental Protection Authority will require the proponent to prepare a Development Proposal and Environmental Management Plan (DPEMP) to support the permit application.
The project has been determined to be a controlled action under the Commonwealth
Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) (EPBC reference number 2017/8096) on the grounds that it is likely to have, a significant impact on the following matters of national environmental significance:
- Listed threatened species and communities (sections 18 and 18A); and
- Listed migratory species (sections 29 and 20A).
As a controlled action the proposal requires assessment and approval by the Commonwealth Environment Minister before it can proceed. The proposal will be assessed by the EPA Board in the manner specified in the
Bilateral agreement between the Commonwealth of Australia and the State of Tasmania under Section 45 of the EPBC Act.
DPEMP Guidelines
DPEMP Guidelines, prepared by the Board, assist the proponent in preparing the case for assessment. The guidelines identify the key issues which, based on the information in the NOI, are expected to be key issues for the assessment of the proposal.
Public comment was invited on the draft guidelines, the comment period has now closed. The final guidelines have been issued to the proponent.
Final DPEMP Project Specific Guidelines Robbins Island (PDF 378Kb)
Notice of Intent
The statutory assessment process commences with the submission of a Notice of Intent (NOI) by the proponent. The NOI is prepared by the proponent and provides an overview of the proponent, the proposal, proposal location and potential impacts that may be caused by the proposed activity.
Robbins Island - NOI (5Mb)
Public Exhibition of Documentation
A copy of the permit application and all plans and other documentation submitted with the permit application (including the DPEMP) were made available for public inspection. The public consultation period has now closed.
Development Proposal and Environmental Management Plan
The purpose of the DPEMP is to provide a source of information upon which interested individuals, groups, government agencies and the Board may consider the environmental impacts of the proposal.
The DPEMP was prepared by the proponent on the basis of the Project Specific Guidelines for preparation of a DPEMP which were provided by the Board.
Robbins Island Renewable Energy Park - DPEMP (PDF 62Mb)
Robbins Island Renewable Energy Park - Appendix A - Preliminary Quarry Management Plan (PDF 10Mb)
Robbins Island Renewable Energy Park - Appendix B - Planning Report (PDF 24Mb)
Robbins Island Renewable Energy Park - Appendix C - Natural Values Assessment (PDF 19Mb)
Robbins Island Renewable Energy Park - Appendix D - Tasmanian Devil Survey (PDF 4Mb)
Robbins Island Renewable Energy Park - Appendix E - Bat Utilisation Survey (PDF 3Mb)
Robbins Island Renewable Energy Park - Appendix F - Roadkill Survey (PDF 1Mb)
Robbins Island Renewable Energy Park - Appendix G - Bird Impact Assessment (PDF 10Mb)
Robbins Island Renewable Energy Park - Appendix H - Eagle Nest Survey (PDF 3Mb)
Robbins Island Renewable Energy Park - Appendix I - Radio Tracking Survey (PDF 3Mb)
Robbins Island Renewable Energy Park - Appendix J - Resident Shorebird and Migratory Shorebird Surveys (PDF 3Mb)
Robbins Island Renewable Energy Park - Appendix K - Eagle Flight Analysis (PDF 671Kb)
Robbins Island Renewable Energy Park - Appendix L - Eagle Nest Camera Field Deployment Report (PDF 5Mb)
Robbins Island Renewable Energy Park - Appendix M - Preliminary Eagle Monitoring and Management Plan (PDF 2Mb)
Robbins Island Renewable Energy Park - Appendix N - Preliminary Shorebird Monitoring and Management Plan (PDF 3Mb)
Robbins Island Renewable Energy Park - Appendix O - Aquatic Fauna Survey (PDF 12Mb)
Robbins Island Renewable Energy Park - Appendix P - Baseline Marine Environment Survey (PDF 4Mb)
Robbins Island Renewable Energy Park - Appendix Q - Desktop Hydrogeological Investigation (PDF 8Mb)
Robbins Island Renewable Energy Park - Appendix R - Noise Assessment (PDF 8Mb)
Robbins Island Renewable Energy Park - Appendix S - Preliminary Geoconservation Assessment (PDF 888Kb)
Robbins Island Renewable Energy Park - Appendix T - Marine Hydrodynamics Assessment (Phase 1) (PDF 11Mb)
Robbins Island Renewable Energy Park - Appendix U - Marine Hydrodynamics Assessment (Phase 2) (PDF 9Mb)
Robbins Island Renewable Energy Park - Appendix V - Marine Hydrodynamics Assessment (Phase 3) (PDF 26Mb)
Robbins Island Renewable Energy Park - Appendix W - Aboriginal Heritage Assessment - Not for public display
Robbins Island Renewable Energy Park - Appendix X - Historic Heritage Assessment (PDF 3Mb)
Robbins Island Renewable Energy Park - Appendix Y - Agricultural Assessment (PDF 9Mb)
Robbins Island Renewable Energy Park - Appendix Z - Viewshed Mapping and Photomontage Process Report (PDF 59Mb)
Robbins Island Renewable Energy Park - Appendix AA - Visual Impact Assessment (PDF 21Mb)
Robbins Island Renewable Energy Park - Appendix BB - Shadow Flicker Assessment (PDF 257Kb)
Robbins Island Renewable Energy Park - Appendix CC - Economic Impact Assessment (PDF 704Kb)
Robbins Island Renewable Energy Park - Appendix DD - Traffic Impact Report (PDF 4Mb)
Robbins Island Renewable Energy Park - Appendix EE - Electromagnetic Interference Assessment (PDF 7Mb)
Robbins Island Renewable Energy Park - Appendix FF - Aviation Impact Assessment (PDF 651Kb)
Robbins Island Renewable Energy Park - Appendix GG - Preliminary Orange-bellied Parrot Monitoring and Management Plan (PDF 2Mb)
Matters Raised by the Public During Consultation
Summary of matters raised by the public during the consultation process.
Robbins Island Renewable Energy Park - Summary of Representations Table (PDF 309Kb)
Supplement to the DPEMP
Submitted in response to the Board's call for further information following the public comment period.
Robbins Island Renewable Energy Park - Supplement to the DPEMP (PDF 22Mb)
Environmental Assessment Report and EPA Decision
The environmental assessment report (EAR) has now been completed and can be viewed below. The report contains the permit conditions required by the Board to be included in the land use permit, if a permit is granted, by Council.
A revision to the EAR was made on 12 December 2022 to account for an incorrect reference to the Aboriginal Heritage Act 1975, in Appendix 1.
Robbins Island Renewable Energy Park - EAR (PDF 12Mb)