Current Stage
Assessment Commenced
Proposal Details
Client: Avebury (Operating) Pty Ltd
Premises: Avebury Nickel Mine
Activity: mine and mineral works
Class of Assessment: 2A
Important Dates
Assessment Commenced: 16/1/2024
The Proposal
Avebury (Operating) Pty Ltd have submitted a
proposal for the development of a Waste Rock Sorting Facility at the Avebury
Nickel Mine in Zeehan, to support existing underground mining operations. The
intent of this facility is to be a transitional area where waste rock is
brought to be classified. All Potentially Acid Forming (PAF) rock will then be
sent underground, and material designated as Non-Acid Forming (NAF) will be
utilised as a construction material across the site. Approximately 52,000 bulk
cubic metres (BCM) of waste rock is estimated to be temporarily stored within
the WRSF.
Development Application
This proposal was referred directly by West Coast Council to the Board of the EPA on 16 January 2024 as a development application (DA number 2023/82) and therefore a Notice Of Intent (NOI) was not required.