Current Stage
Public Comment Closed on Draft Guidelines
Proposal Details
Client: Bell Bay Powerfuels Pty Ltd
Premises: Bell Bay Powerfuels
Activity: Chemical works
Class of Assessment: 2C
Important Dates
Assessment Commenced: 2/11/2023
Draft Guidelines Opened for Public Comment: 9/12/2023
Draft Guidelines Closed for Public Comment: 10/1/2024
The Proposal
Bell Bay Powerfuels Pty Ltd (a subsidiary of ABEL Energy Pty Ltd) proposes to construct and operate a green methanol facility that will produce 300,000 tonnes of green methanol per annum by combining synthesis gas (syngas) from gasification of forestry residues with green hydrogen from water electrolysis powered by renewable onshore wind power.
The process includes:
Hydrogen production unit – a 240 megawatt electrolysis unit producing approximately 100 tonnes per day of green hydrogen and 800 tonnes per day of oxygen.
Biomass gasification unit – a gasification unit to convert up to 900 tonnes per day of partially dried forestry biomass to approximately 1,300 tonnes per day of syngas, comprising carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, hydrogen and other minor components.
Methanol synthesis unit – a 300,000 tonnes per annum nominal capacity methanol syntheses unit using syngas from the gasifier, and hydrogen from the electrolyser, to produce approximately 900 tonnes per day of methanol.
The production
facility is to be located predominantly within the former Bell Bay Power
Station and part of the adjacent Tamar Valley Power Station at Bell Bay.
The proponent intends to lodge a permit application with George Town Council under the Land Use Planning and Approvals Act 1993. The proposal will be subject to an environmental impact assessment by the Board of the EPA (the Board) in accordance with the Environmental Management and Pollution Control Act 1994 (EMPC Act).
Notice of Intent
Bell Bay Powerfuels Pty Ltd, Bell Bay Powerfuels Project - Bell Bay - NOI (PDF 35Mb)
Draft EIS Guidelines and Public Submissions
EIS Guidelines have been prepared by the Board to assist the proponent to prepare the case for assessment. Based on the information contained in the Notice of Intent, the guidelines identify the key issues which are expected to be relevant to the assessment of the proposal.
Public comment was invited on the draft guidelines, the comment period has now closed. The final guidelines have been issued to the proponent.
Bell Bay Powerfuels Pty Ltd, Bell Bay Powerfuels Project - Bell Bay - EIS Guidelines (PDF 526Kb)