Current Stage
Assessment Commenced
Proposal Details
Client: Cherries Tasmania Orchards
Premises: Cherries Tasmania Composting, 647 Baskerville Road, Old Beach 7017
Activity: Composting
Class of Assessment: 2A
Important Dates
Assessment Commenced: 26/8/2021
The Proposal
Carteman Pty Ltd trading as Cherries Tasmania Orchards is proposing to intensify and upgrade an existing composting operation associated with the Cherries Tasmania Orchard located in Old Beach. The proposal seeks to increase the maximum production limit to 3,750 cubic metres of compost material per year and sell compost product to external third parties. The existing compost operation uses fish hatchery waste from Huon Aquaculture as a compost feedstock and the proposed intensification also seeks to increase the quantity of fish waste received to approximately 1,300-1,500 cubic metres per year.
Notice of Intent
Carteman Pty Ltd trading as Cherries Tasmania Orchards, Cherries Tasmania Composting, Old Beach - NOI (PDF 506Kb)
Environmental Effects Report Guidelines
EER Guidelines have been prepared by the Board to assist the proponent to prepare a case for assessment. Based on the information contained in the Notice of Intent, the guidelines identify the key issues which are expected to be relevant to the assessment of the proposal.
Carteman Pty Ltd trading as Cherries Tasmania Orchards, Cherries Tasmania Composting, Old Beach - EER Guidelines (PDF 222Kb)