Current Stage
Public Comment Closed on Draft Guidelines
Proposal Details
Client: East Arm Resources Pty Ltd
Premises: 2 Greenhythe Road, Hillwood 7252
Activity: Quarry
Class of Assessment: 2C
Important Dates
Assessment Commenced: 6/10/2020
Draft Guidelines Opened for Public Comment: 4/11/2020
Draft Guidelines Closed for Public Comment: 30/11/2020
The Proposal
East Arm Resources Pty Ltd has proposed to construct and operate a quarry at 2 Greenhythe Road, Hillwood. The project involves extraction and processing of up to 4 million tonnes of rock per year, and includes blasting, crushing and screening. Details of the proposal are available in the Supporting Documentation which can be viewed below.
The proponent has lodged a permit application with George Town Council under the
Land Use Planning and Approvals Act 1993. The proposal is to be subject to an environmental impact assessment by the Board of the EPA(the Board) in accordance with the
Environmental Management and Pollution Control Act 1994 (EMPC Act).
Notice of Intent / Supporting Documentation
East Arm Resources Pty Ltd, East Arm Road Quarry, Hillwood - DA Supporting Info
EIS Guidelines
EIS Guidelines have been prepared by the Board to assist the proponent to prepare the case for assessment. Based on the information contained in the Notice of Intent, the guidelines identify the key issues which are expected to be relevant to the assessment of the proposal.
Public comment was invited on the draft guidelines, the comment period has now closed. The final guidelines have been issued to the proponent.
East Arm Resources Pty Ltd, East Arm Road Quarry Upgrade, Hilwood - EIS Guidelines (PDF 2Mb)