Current Stage
Assessment Completed
Proposal Details
Client: East Arm Resources Pty Ltd
Premises: East Arm Road Quarry
Activity: a quarry and materials handling
Class of Assessment: 2B
Important Dates
Assessment Commenced: 19/12/2022
Case for Assessment Opened for Public Comment: 3/6/2023
Case for Assessment Closed for Public Comment: 3/7/2023
Assessment Completed: 15/8/2023
The Proposal
The proposal is to intensify the existing Level 2 quarry at the site,
with rock being extracted from the working area (and then processed) at a
greater rate per annum, increasing from 50,000m³ to 130,000m³. The
intensification will see the introduction of spot shipments (export) of
aggregate to non-Tasmanian locations. Shipments will likely be via Bell
Bay Port at Bell Bay. No new buildings or other infrastructure are
Development Application
proposal was referred directly by George Town Council to the Board of the EPA
on 19 December 2022 as a development application (DA number 2022/109) and
therefore a Notice Of Intent (NOI) was not required.
Environmental Impact Statement Guidelines
EIS Guidelines have been prepared by the Board to assist the proponent to prepare a case for assessment. Based on the information contained in the Notice of Intent, the guidelines identify the key issues which are expected to be relevant to the assessment of the proposal.
East Arm Resources Pty Ltd, East Arm Road Quarry Intensification, Hillwood - EIS Guidelines (PDF 683Kb)
Public Exhibition of Documentation
A copy of the permit application and all plans and other documentation submitted with the permit application (including the EIS) were made available for public inspection. The public consultation period has now closed.
Environmental Impact Statement
The purpose of the EIS is to provide a source of information upon which interested individuals, groups, government agencies and the Board may consider the environmental impacts of the proposal.
The EIS was prepared by the proponent on the basis of the Project Specific Guidelines for preparation of an EIS which were provided by the Board.
East Arm Resources Pty Ltd, East Arm Road Quarry Intensification, Hillwood - EIS (PDF 24Mb)
East Arm Resources Pty Ltd, East Arm Road Quarry Intensification, Hillwood - Attachments (PDF 51Mb)
Environmental Assessment Report and EPA Decision
The environmental assessment report (EAR) has now been completed and can be viewed below. The report contains the permit conditions required by the Board to be included in the land use permit, if a permit is granted, by Council.
East Arm Resources Pty Ltd, East Arm Road Quarry Intensification, Hillwood - EAR (PDF 2Mb)