Current Stage
Assessment Commenced
Proposal Details
Client: Equis Wind (Australia) Projects (LHWF2) Pty Ltd as trustee for the Equis Wind (Australia) LHWF2 Holding Trust
Premises: Bell Bay Wind Farm Major Project
Activity: Wind Energy Facility
Class of Assessment: 2C
Important Dates
Assessment Commenced: 13/8/2024
The Proposal
This project has been declared a major project under the Land Use Planning and Approvals Act 1993, resulting in the Environment Protection Authority becoming one of several 'relevant regulators' for the project. The project proposal involves the development of a wind farm and associated infrastructure northeast of George Town, centred around Soldiers Settlement Road, southwest of Beechford and east of Low Head, with a transmission line connecting to Bell Bay.
The proposal is for 28 wind turbine generators with a projected generating capacity of approximately 224 megawatts, associated hardstands, a battery energy storage system, electricity reticulation, 8 km transmission line, substation and switchyard, access roads, carparking, buildings and associated infrastructure, temporary facilities including construction compound, concrete batching plant and quarry on a site of approximately 2780 hectares.
The project proposal and associated documentation can be viewed at: Bell Bay Wind Farm - assessment criteria – Tasmanian Planning Commission Website