Gaspersic Contracting Pty Ltd, Newall Creek Quarry Upgrade, Queenstown

Current Stage

Assessment Withdrawn

Proposal Details

Client: Gaspersic Contracting Pty Ltd

Premises: Newall Creek Quarry

Activity: a quarry and materials handling

Class of Assessment: 2B

Important Dates

Assessment Commenced: 28/10/2022

Assessment Withdrawn: 23/7/2024

​​​Status: The proponent withdrew the proposal on 23/07/2024. 

​The Proposal

Gaspersic Contracting Pty Ltd is seeking approval to increase the capacity of extraction and processing at the existing Newall Creek Quarry in Queenstown to 50,000 cubic metres (80,000 tonnes) of product per annum. The proposed quarry operation will involve excavation to reclaim tunnel spoil and include future drilling, blasting, and crushing of natural source rock.

​Referral Documentation

The EPA Board has received the following referral:​

 Gaspersic Contracting Pty Ltd, Newall Creek Quarry Upgrade, Queenstown - DA Supporting Information (PDF 2Mb)​

​Environmental Effects Report Guidelines 

EER Guidelines have been prepared by the Board to assist the proponent to prepare a case for assessment. Based on the information contained in the Notice of Intent, the guidelines identify the key issues which are expected to be relevant to the assessment of the proposal.​

 Gaspersic Contracting Pty Ltd, Newall Creek Quarry Upgrade, Queenstown - EER Guidelines (PDF 377Kb)