Gowing Bros Limited, Logie Farm Quarry Modification, Orielton

Current Stage

Assessment Commenced

Proposal Details

Client: Gowing Bros Limited

Premises: Logie Farm Road Quarry

Activity: a quarry and materials handling

Class of Assessment: 2B

Important Dates

Assessment Commenced: 9/5/2024

The Proposal

Gowing Bros Limited is proposing to conduct intermittent blasting at the Logie Farm Gravel Quarry. The site is located at 440 Prossers Road Richmond and 59 Logie Farm Road, Orielton, approximately 4 kilometres northeast of Richmond. The site straddles two council boundaries (Sorell and Clarence City Councils) and two Development Applications have been lodged.​

​The proposal does not involve a production increase from the currently permitted 15,000 cubic metres in extraction or the 5,000 cubic metres per year in materials handling. 

This proposal involves blasting at the existing mining leases (1722P/M and 2044P/M) to enable the continued extraction of dolerite, to be used as road base, and to create benching for safety purposes.

Notice of Intent

 Gowing Bros Limited, Logie Farm Quarry Modification, Orielton - NOI (PDF 5Mb)