Current Stage
Assessment Commenced
Proposal Details
Client: Huon Aquaculture Company Pty Ltd
Premises: Electrona Ensilage Facility
Activity: fish ensilage facility
Class of Assessment: 2B
Important Dates
Assessment Commenced: 12/6/2024
The Proposal
The proposal is for the continued operation of a fish ensilage facility to process up to 144 tonnes of fish mortalities per day (52,560 Tonners per annum). The facility is located within the Electrona Industrial precint. The ensilage facility will receive fish mortalities from Huon Aquaculture Company’s aquaculture leases located within Storm Bay. The ensilage facility will process these fish mortalities into a liquid product that is then transported to a facility approved to receive fish waste.
Notice of Intent
Huon Aquaculture Company Pty Ltd, Fish Ensilage Facility, Electrona - NOI (PDF 4Mb)
Environmental Effects Report Guidelines
EER Guidelines have been prepared by the Board to assist the proponent to prepare a case for assessment. Based on the information contained in the Notice of Intent, the guidelines identify the key issues which are expected to be relevant to the assessment of the proposal.
Huon Aquaculture Company Pty Ltd, Fish Ensilage Facility, Electrona - EER Guidelines (PDF 413Kb)