Current Stage
Assessment Commenced
Proposal Details
Client: Huon Aquaculture Company Pty Ltd
Premises: Lonnavale Broodstock RAS Facility
Activity: Finfish Farming
Class of Assessment: 2B
Important Dates
Assessment Commenced: 5/8/2024
Page Content
The Proposal
The proposed project is for the development of a new recirculated aquaculture system (RAS) facility to house up to 94.5 tonnes of broodstock for egg production. It will involve:
- the installation of a new shed to house three new RAS tank arrays and associated elements
- replacement and upgrade of the existing sludge handling and treatment system
- upgrade of the existing water offtake infrastructure
- upgrade of the existing effluent treatment system, including the construction of a new settlement/storage dam
- upgrade of the power supply.
The facility is proposed to be co-located on the same title as Huon Aquaculture’s existing Lonnavale Hatchery Facility at 1374 Lonnavale Road, Lonnavale TAS 7109.