Hydro Tasmania, Tarraleah Redevelopment Project, Western and Upstream Component

Current Stage

Public Comment Closed on Draft Guidelines

Proposal Details

Client: Hydro-electric Corporation

Premises: Tarraleah Redevelopment Project, Western and Upstream Component

Activity: materials handling

Class of Assessment: 2C

Important Dates

Assessment Commenced: 6/6/2024

Draft Guidelines Opened for Public Comment: 27/7/2024

Draft Guidelines Closed for Public Comment: 14/8/2024

​​​​​​​The Proposal

The proposal relates to the redevelopment of the Tarraleah Hydropower Scheme and has multiple aspects. The following aspects related to the construction of the new conveyance infrastructure, which includes crushing of approximately 246,000 cubic metres of rock, are to be assessed by the EPA:
•  headrace pipeline, connected to the intake on Lake King William and tunnel;
•  arched headrace tunnel, approximately 12 km long;
•  access tunnels and portals to headrace and power tunnels;
•  surge tower; and
•  pumping station upgrades and additional pipeline.
The proposal component to be assessed by the EPA will be located around the Clarke Dam area of Lake King William to near Tarraleah Village. Components to the east and downstream involving the new hydropower pump station, new transmission lines and new switchyard are to be assessed by Central Highlands Council. ​

The proponent intends to lodge a permit application with Central Highlands Council under the Land Use Planning and Approvals Act 1993. The proposal will be subject to an environmental impact assessment by the Board of the EPA (the Board) in accordance with the Environmental Management and Pollution Control Act 1994 (EMPC Act).

Development Application

This proposal was referred directly by Central Highlands Council to the Board of the EPA on 6 June 2024 as a development application (DA number 2024/23) and therefore a Notice Of Intent (NOI) was not required. 

​EIS Guidelines

EIS Guidelines have been prepared by the Board to assist the proponent to prepare the case for assessment. Based on the information contained in the Notice of Intent, the guidelines identify the key issues which are expected to be relevant to the assessment of the proposal.

Public comment was invited on the draft guidelines, the comment period has now closed. The final guidelines have been issued to the proponent.

 Hydro Tasmania, Tarraleah Redevelopment Project, Western and Upstream Component - EIS Guidelines (PDF 444Kb)