Kelly Brothers, Maxxis Quarry, Randalls Bay

Current Stage

Public Comment Closed on Case for Assessment

Proposal Details

Client: Kelly Brothers

Premises: 110 Randalls Bay Road, Randalls Bay 7112

Activity: Quarry and materials handling facility

Class of Assessment: 2B

Important Dates

Assessment Commenced: 1/7/2016

Case for Assessment Opened for Public Comment: 11/7/2020

Case for Assessment Closed for Public Comment: 8/8/2020

​The Pr​​oposal

Kelly Brothers are proposing to upgrade a current level 1 activity, operating under existing use rights with a production limit of 5000 cubic metres, to allow extraction and processing, by crushing and screening, of up to 20,000 cubic metres per annum.

The proponent has lodged a Development Application with a supporting Environmental Effects Report (EER) to Huon Valley Council.

The application was referred to the Board of the Environment Protection Authority (the Board) for assessment under the Environmental Management and Pollution Control Act 1994 (EMPCA).

Public Exhibition of Documentation

A copy of the permit application and all plans and other documentation submitted with the permit application (including the EER) were made available for public consultation. The public consultation period has now closed. 

Environmental Effects Report

The purpose of the EER is to provide a source of information upon which interested individuals, groups, government agencies and the Board may consider the environmental impacts of the proposal.

The EER was prepared by the proponent on the basis of the project specific guidelines for preparation of an EER which were provided by the Board.

  Kelly Brothers, Maxxis Quarry, Randalls Bay - EER   (10Mb)​