Landfill Cells and Leachate Management, Whitemark

Current Stage

Assessment Withdrawn

Proposal Details

Client: Flinders Island Council

Premises: Whitemark Waste Disposal Site, 419 Memana Road, Whitemark 7255

Activity: Waste depot

Class of Assessment:

Important Dates

Assessment Commenced: 9/6/2021

Assessment Withdrawn: 19/9/2023

Status: The proponent withdrew the proposal on 19/09/2023.

The Proposal

The proposal is for the construction and operation of three GCL lined landfill cells and a leachate management pond at the existing Whitemark Waste Disposal Site at 419 Memana Road. An existing unfinished cell is to be repurposed for the leachate management pond. The current site EPN permits a maximum of 2,000 tonnes of waste disposed per annum and this is not proposed to increase.​