Current Stage
Assessment Commenced
Proposal Details
Client: Orana Meats Group
Premises: Lot 1 Ansons Bay Road. St Helens, TAS 7216
Activity: 4a
Class of Assessment: 2B
Important Dates
Assessment Commenced: 18/1/2022
The Proposal
The proposal is for the construction and operation of an abattoir processing up to 200 head cattle and sheep per week and a maximum annual production of 4,000 tonnes of meat per year.
It is proposed that waste produced by the abattoir will be treated in a biodigester to generate biogas to supplement abattoir electricity requirements. If this does not prove to be feasible waste will be treated in covered ponds. Effluent will be irrigated on the site. A containerised composting process with air filtration and odour control is also being considered for treatment of other solid wastes.
Notice of Intent
Orana Meats Group, Lot 1 Ansons Bay Road, St Helens, Abattoir - NOI (PDF 3Mb)
Environmental Impact Statement Guidelines
EIS Guidelines have been prepared by the Board to assist the proponent to prepare a case for assessment. Based on the information contained in the Notice of Intent, the guidelines identify the key issues which are expected to be relevant to the assessment of the proposal.
Orana Meats Group, Lot 1 Ansons Bay Road, St Helens, Abattoir - EIS Guidelines (PDF 325Kb)