Current Stage
Assessment Commenced
Proposal Details
Client: Simplot Australia Pty Ltd
Premises: Simplot Ulverstone
Activity: Installation of a WESP
Class of Assessment: 2A
Important Dates
Assessment Commenced: 5/7/2024
Page Content
The Proposal
The proposal seeks to install new Wet Electrostatic Precipitator Scrubber (WESP) equipment for the treatment of the exhaust from the existing factory fryer stacks, under clause 4(e) of Schedule 2 of EMPCA. The proposed development is primarily located on the southern side of the existing main processing factory on the site. This proposal involves taking the exhaust from all site fryers and directing these streams to the WESP. The proposal comprises of raising the boiler house roof, removal of existing stacks and constructing ducting and rooftop platforms.
Supporting Documentation
Simplot Australia Pty Ltd, Installation of a Wet Electrostatic Scrubber Precipitator - Supporting Documentation (PDF 5Mb)