Tasmanian Quality Meats Pty Ltd, TQM Abattoir Intensification, Cressy

Current Stage

Assessment Commenced

Proposal Details

Client: Tasmanian Quality Meats Pty Ltd

Premises: TQM Abattoir

Activity: an abattoir

Class of Assessment:

Important Dates

Assessment Commenced: 5/11/2024

The Proposal

Tasmanian Quality Meats (TQM) Pty Ltd is seeking to increase the rate of production at its abattoir at 5 Burlington Road, Cressy to 33,300 tonnes meat product per year.

The existing EPN 8932/2 has a production limit of 8,800 tonnes per annum (tpa) of meat product, though the proponent has temporary approval under Environment Protection Notice No 11818/ to increase production to 13,500 tpa until 30 June 2025.

​Partly supported by the State Government, the plant has been subject to a number of enhancements in recent years. According to the proponent, the production rate can be achieved by increasing the rate of production (notably the ‘chain speed’) without significant additional infrastructure or plant. However, the Notice of Intent acknowledges that there may need to be enhancement to the wastewater treatment facilities on site.

​Notice of Intent

 Tasmanian Quality Meats Pty Ltd, TQM Abattoir Intensification, Cressy - NOI (PDF 2Mb)​