Tassal Operations Pty Ltd, Processing Facility Expansion Project, Margate

Current Stage

Assessment Commenced

Proposal Details

Client: Tassal Operations Pty Ltd

Premises: Margate Processing Facility

Activity: fish processing facility

Class of Assessment: 2B

Important Dates

Assessment Commenced: 28/3/2023

The Proposal

To improve efficiency across Tassal’s Tasmanian operations, it is proposed to consolidate all filleting operations at the Margate processing facility. Tassal is seeking to increase the production volume of the facility from 4000 t/y to 20,000 t/y saleable product. A variety of infrastructure upgrades will be required to achieve the proposed volume increase. Works include extending existing factory buildings, upgrading the wastewater treatment plant, expanding the car park and managing increased volumes of solid wastes. ​​

Notice of Intent 

 Tassal Operations Pty Ltd, Processing Facility Expansion Project, Margate - NOI (PDF 8Mb)

Environmental Impact Statement Guidelines

EIS Guidelines have been prepared by the Board to assist the proponent to prepare a case for assessment. Based on the information contained in the Notice of Intent, the guidelines identify the key issues which are expected to be relevant to the assessment of the proposal.

 Tassal Operations Pty Ltd, Processing Facility Expansion Project, Margate - EIS Guidelines (PDF 2Mb)​