Unity Mining Pty Limited, Henty Gold Mine, 2024 ROM Extension

Current Stage

Assessment Commenced

Proposal Details

Client: Unity Mining Pty Ltd

Premises: Henty Gold Mine

Activity: Mineral Works

Class of Assessment: 2B

Important Dates

Assessment Commenced: 20/8/2024

The Proposal

The proposal is to increase the footprint by 2.3ha of the existing Run of Mine (ROM) pad at the Henty Gold Mine, 23km north of Queenstown. Henty Gold Mine is an underground mine that produces Gold Doré bars, utilising a Carbon in Leach process to extract gold from mined ore. Ore is extracted from within the mine then transported to the ROM pad, where it is crushed and fed into the mill for processing. The purpose of the ROM extension is to allow for more open area for stockpiling different materials, which includes unprocessed ore, PAF waste rock and NAF waste rock. The current ROM area is constraining the ability of the mine to effectively separate, blend and store these materials, and manage traffic working on the ROM. The area to be utilised for the ROM extension is currently vegetated with a mix of native regrowth forest species, and Henty River is located 80 metres from the proposed expansion.

Notice of Intent​​

 Unity Mining Pty Limited, Henty Gold Mine, 2024 ROM Extension - NOI (PDF 11Mb)