Current Stage
Assessment Completed
Proposal Details
Client: Venture Minerals Limited
Premises: off Pieman Road, Tullah 7321
Activity: Mine and materials handling facility
Class of Assessment: 2C
Important Dates
Assessment Commenced: 14/9/2012
Draft Guidelines Opened for Public Comment: 11/11/2012
Draft Guidelines Closed for Public Comment: 23/11/2012
Assessment Completed: 20/10/2021
Status: The proponent withdrew the proposal on 20/10/2021
The Proposal
Venture Minerals Limited has proposed to construct and operate a hematite mine (direct shipping ore) off Pieman Rd, approximately 42 km by road west of Tullah. The proposal involves the extraction and crushing of up to 1.9 million tonnes of hematite over 2 years. Details of the proposal are available in the Notice of Intent (NOI) which can be viewed below.
The proponent intends to lodge a permit application with West Coast Council under the
Land Use Planning and Approvals Act 1993. The proposal is to be subject to an environmental impact assessment by the Board of the EPA(the Board) in accordance with the
Environmental Management and Pollution Control Act 1994 (EMPC Act).
The proponent has referred the proposal to the Australian Government for consideration under the
Environment Protection and Biodiversity Act 1999 (EPBC Act). The Australian Government has determined that the proposal is a controlled action (EPBC 2012/6393) on the grounds that it is likely to have a significant impact on the following matters of national significance:
- Listed threatened species and communities (sections 18 and 18A of the EPBC Act).
- Listed migratory species (sections 20 and 20A).
As a controlled action the proposal requires assessment and approval by the Commonwealth Environment Minister before it can proceed. The proposal will be assessed by the EPA Board in the manner specified in the
Bilateral Agreement between the Commonwealth of Australia and the State of Tasmania under Section 45 of the EPBC Act.
DPEMP Guidelines
DPEMP Guidelines, prepared by the Board, assist the proponent in preparing the case for assessment. The guidelines identify the key issues which, based on the information in the NOI, are expected to be key issues for the assessment of the proposal.
Public comment was invited on the draft guidelines, the comment period has now closed. The final guidelines have been issued to the proponent.
Final Guidelines, Mt Livingstone DSO
When a satisfactory case for assessment has been prepared and a permit application lodged with Council, public submissions will be invited on the application.
Notice of Intent
Venture Minerals, Livingstone Hematite DSO, Notice of Intent