Current Stage
Assessment Commenced
Proposal Details
Client: Wallaroo Contracting Pty Ltd
Premises: Greenlawn Quarry
Activity: quarry and materials handling
Class of Assessment: 2A
Important Dates
Assessment Commenced: 8/7/2024
The Proposal
Wallaroo Contracting Pty Ltd is proposing an expansion of their Greenlawn Quarry located approximately 6.5 km southwest of Bicheno. The proposal includes a 2.3 hectare expansion across predominately pasture land and a small area of native vegetation and an increase in extraction and processing limits from 10 000 cubic metres per annum to 20 000 cubic metres per annum.
Greenlawn Quarry is a gravel operation. The source rock consists of weathered dolerite which is extracted using rip and push techniques and processed on site periodically using a mechanical screen.
Notice of Intent