Wallaroo Contracting Pty Ltd, Lilla Villa Quarry Expansion, Bicheno

Current Stage

Assessment Commenced

Proposal Details

Client: Wallaroo Contracting Pty Ltd

Premises: Lilla Villa Quarry

Activity: quarry and materials handling

Class of Assessment: 2B

Important Dates

Assessment Commenced: 8/7/2024

The Proposal

Wallaroo Contracting Pty Ltd, is proposing a production increase and expansion to the existing quarry off the Tasman Highway close to Bicheno. The proposal is for an increase in extraction and processing from 40 000 cubic metres to 100 000 cubic metres. ​

Notice of Intent

 Wallaroo Contracting Pty Ltd, Lilla Villa Quarry Expansion, Bicheno - NOI (PDF 2Mb)