Proposals Not Assessed by the EPA

​Referrals are considered on a case by case basis and there are circumstances where a Level 2 assessment is not required. The following categories of proposal are recognised by the Board as not being likely to require assessment:

  • Level 2 proposals within the ambit of an existing permit or approval (planning permit is not required and existing environmental conditions are sufficient)

  • Proposals for which other assessment and post-approval regulatory mechanisms are sufficient to manage the likely environmental impacts

  • Proposals to change an existing regulated Level 2 activity, for which, regardless of whether a planning permit is required, the potential environmental risk of the proposed change is considered to be low

  • Proposed activities or development of very limited scale or duration.​

A list of proposal not assessed by the EPA during the 2024-25 Financial Year:

 Proposals Not Assessed by the EPA during the 2024-25 Financial Year (PDF 114Kb)​

A list of proposals not assessed by the EPA during the 2023-24 Financial Year:

 Proposals Not Assessed by the EPA during the 2023-24 Financial Year (PDF 53Kb)


Requests for reports held by the EPA regarding these proposals may fall under the provisions of the Right to Information Act 2009 (RTI Act). For further information, please visit the Right to Information page, the EPA Information Di​sclosure Policy, and the EPA Policy Statement on Information Provision. ​