Annual Fee Remissions

​​​​​​​​​​Under regulations 9 and 10 of the Environmental Management and Pollution Control (General) Regulations 2017, the Board of the Environment Protection Authority has powers to grant ongoing partial remissions of the permit annual fee for an activity if certain requirements are met. The Board has delegated the relevant powers to the Director.

The Annual Fee Remis​sion Guidelines describe the detailed requirements of the Board in relation to annual fee remissions. The Guidelines also describe the various sub-categories of remission, the application process, requirements for continuing eligibility after a remission has been granted, and circumstances under which a remission may be revoked.

  Annual Fee Remission Guidelines   (270Kb)

​Application forms are available as follows:

Variable Fee Exemption Application Form (PDF 180Kb)​​

Variable Fee Exemption Application Form (DOCX 134Kb)​

Low Risk Determi​​nation Application Form (PDF 91Kb)

Low Risk Determination Application Form (DOCX 133Kb)​

Statutory​ Declarations information is available from the Departm​ent of Justice.​​​​