Legislative Context - Industrial Operations

​​​​​Principles and Objectives for Management of Industrial Activities

The overarching principles and objectives for the management of Industrial Activities in Tasmania are provided in the Environmental Management and Pollution Control Act 1994 (EMPCA). In addition, specific requirements are contained in the various EMPCA Regulations, State Policies and in permits issued to industrial activities by Planning Authorities.

The EPA also has formal responsibilities under the Resource Management and Planning System (RMPS) to promote the fair, orderly and sustainable use and development of natural and physical resources and the maintenance of ecological processes and genetic diversity.

Regulation of Industrial Activities

The EPA is responsible for ensuring that the State's environmental and pollution control laws are upheld, specifically by regulating the environmental impacts of 'Level 2' activities. Level 2 activities are those listed in Schedule 2 of EMPCA and can be operating with Land Use Permit or a Major Project Permit under the Land Use Planning ​and Approvals Act 1993​ (LUPAA)​ or an Environment Protection Notice issued by the EPA Board under EMPCA. Level 2 activities are those industrial and municipal activities considered to have a high potential for emitting pollutants and/or causing environmental harm.

In addition to Level 2 activities the EPA has responsibility for regulating the environmental impacts of some Projects of State Significance (otherwise referred to as Level 3 activities). 

Also the Director, EPA can 'take over' or 'call in' Level 1 activities for regulation where the Director, EPA is satisfied that serious or material environmental harm has been, is being, or is likely to be caused by the activity. The local council would otherwise regulate such Level 1 activities. Level 1 activities are activities other than those prescribed in Schedule 2 of EMPCA.