kanamaluka / Tamar Estuary

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The EPA currently regulates finfish farming at one marine farming lease in the kanamaluka / Tamar Estuary​ region.

The location of this finfish farm and associated environmental licence can be accessed via the EPA Regulated Premises layer on LISTmap. See our Site Information​ page for​ details.​

The Marine Farming Development P​lan for the region​ is available on the Department of Natural Resources and Environment Tasmania website.​​​

MF178 Long Reach (Rowella)

Dissolved Nitrogen Emissions

From 1 July 2023 the scale of finfi​​sh farming in kanamaluka/Tamar Estuary will be regulated via a condition in the Environmental Licence that sets a Total Permissible Dissolved Nitrogen Output (TPDNO).

Van Diemen Aquaculture must comply with the TPDNO. Dissolved nitrogen emissions are calculated from feed inputs and are measured in tonnes of nitrogen emitted per rolling 12-month period. 

To date environmental monitoring around the Rowella lease (MF178) has not demonstrated ongoing impacts or effects of concern. As such, the TPDNO has been set based on forecast finfish production to 2024. Any expansion of finfish farming beyond the TPDNO set in the Environmental Licence would require an application and assessment by the EPA.

​Environmental Licence 9913/4


​TPDNO Period

​Condition G1

​309.3 tonnes

​Any rolling 12-month period from 1 July 2023​.

 TPDNO Compliance Assessment Methodology - Explanatory Paper (PDF 401Kb)

Antibiotics Residue Monitoring Report - 2021-22​

​​​Medicated feed containing antibiotics (active ingredient: Oxytetracycline) was applied at six pen bays over a period of 10 days starting 22 September 2021, at the Long Reach finfish farm at Rowella. This measure became necessary for treatment of bacterial dermatitis. The medication event was supported by relevant Veterinary Authorisations (VAs) and subject to comprehensive monitoring requirements stipulated by the EPA. Sampling of sediment occurred on four occasions between 6 October 2021 and 12 January 2022.

The resulting monitoring report can be viewed here: 

 MF178 Petuna Rowella OTC Residue Monitoring Final Report July 2022 (PDF 1Mb)