A person required to obtain a Decommissioning Assessment Report must engage a professional who is certified under the CEnvP(Site Contamination) scheme to manage the works and actions required and to prepare the report. The directory of certified practitioners is located at: (ensure that the certification type for the consultant states “Site Contamination Specialist Certification").
Further information is available on the
Engaging a Contaminated Site Assessment Consultant page.
Regulation 34(b) of the UPSS Regulations requires that if a UPSS ceases to be used, the infrastructure owner must temporarily or permanently decommission the storage system. The Director, EPA must be notified within 2 months of ceasing use via the Ceasing Use of UPSS Form.
Ceasing Use of UPSS Form (DOCX 148Kb) OR Ceasing Use of UPSS Form (PDF 222Kb)
Note: If using the PDF version, download the file, open it in Adobe Acrobat Reader and complete using the Fill and Sign tool. Acrobat Reader can be downloaded from the Adobe website.
The 2-month timeframe is extended to 6 months if the system is not in use due to repair or replacement, or where loss verification or an environmental site assessment are being carried out.
Temporary decommissioning can only occur for 12 months. After 12 months the system must be back in use or the storage system must be permanently decommissioned. Note that exemptions can be applied for under Regulation 47.
Further information:
Temporary Decommissioning of Storage Systems
Requirements in Part 6 of the UPSS Regulations relating to permanent decommissioning include:
Decommissioning must commence within 2 months of the system ceasing to be used (except where the cessation of use is due to repairs or replacement of infrastructure or where an environmental site assessment has been triggered by loss verification; in these cases decommissioning must commence within 6 months).
Decommissioning must be completed within 6 months of ceasing use or within 16 months where a UPSS was temporarily decommissioned and was not put back in use within 12 months.
The storage system must be removed and disposed of in accordance with
Australian Standard AS 4976 - The removal and disposal of underground petroleum storage tanks (AS 4976) or where the storage system or a component of the storage system cannot be removed safely without serious risk to the safety of people or adjoining infrastructure, the tank/component can be decommissioned in-situ, in accordance with AS 4976, without being removed. Note - all other tanks/components which can be removed must be removed.
The removal or in-situ decommissioning should be done by a suitably experienced person due to the explosive risk posed by petroleum vapours. To select a tank removalist you may wish to contact your fuel supplier or WorkSafe Tasmania.
An assessment must be conducted to determine whether petroleum has contaminated soil and groundwater in the vicinity of the storage system (i.e. has the system leaked into the environment and what level of contamination is present) and whether this contamination is likely to cause harm to the environment (including human health).
The works and actions associated with the assessment must be managed by a professional who is certified under the CEnvP(Site Contamination) scheme.
The assessment must be conducted in accordance with the EPA Guideline
Underground Petroleum Storage Systems: Decommissioning Assessment - Sampling and Risk Assessment Requirements
UPSS2 Decommissioning Assessment - Sampling and Risk Assessment Requirements
- A Decommissioning Assessment Report detailing the assessment must be obtained by the infrastructure owner.
The decommissioning report must be written in accordance with the EPA Guideline
UPSS1 - Underground Petroleum Storage Systems: Decommissioning Assessment Report Requirements
UPSS1 Decommissioning Report Requirements
The report must be prepared by a professional who is certified under the CEnvP(Site Contamination) scheme.
Decommissioned UPSS Form must be completed and submitted to the Director.
Decommissioned UPSS Form (DOCX 155Kb) OR Decommissioned UPSS Form (PDF 300Kb)
Note: If using the PDF version, download the file, open it in Adobe Acrobat Reader and complete using the Fill and Sign tool. Acrobat Reader can be downloaded from the Adobe website.
Sale of Property
If a property is sold where a UPSS has ceased to be used and permanent decommissioning has been selected on the Ceasing Use of UPSS Form, the responsibility for permanent decommissioning will remain with the person/company that was the infrastructure owner at the time of ceasing use.
If a UPSS has been temporarily decommissioned, and the property is sold within 12 months of the UPSS ceasing use, the decommissioning responsibilities transfer to the new infrastructure owner/landowner, so they must either put the UPSS/s back in use or permanently decommission them.
Disposal of Soil and Liquid
Please note that:
- all tank/storage system contents and any soil or water contaminated with petroleum are likely to be controlled wastes and if they are a controlled waste they must be transported and disposed of or treated appropriately.
- treatment includes land farming (both on and off site).
Information relating to controlled waste is available on the
Controlled Waste page.