Equipment integrity tests (EITs) are undertaken to determine whether an underground petroleum storage system (UPSS), or a component of a storage system, is not providing full and continuous containment.
EITs are also commonly undertaken:
- where loss monitoring (eg SIRA) indicates that the UPSS may not be providing full and continuous containment (ie fuel may be leaking out of the UPSS or water may be entering the UPSS); and/or
- to determine the source of fuel when fuel is detected in the environment (eg in groundwater).
The Director, EPA has issued the Loss Detection Protocol for Equipment Integrity Tests on Underground Petroleum Storage Systems (the EIT Protocol) under regulation 52 of the Environmental Management and Pollution Control (Underground Petroleum Storage Systems) Regulations 2020 (UPSS Regulations).
Loss Detection Protocol for Equipment Integrity Tests on Underground Petroleum Storage Systems (262Kb)
purpose of the EIT Protocol is to ensure that EITs are undertaken and reported
in a standardised manner so that results of the test can be relied upon, and
the results are easily interpreted by the person commissioning the test. In
particular, the EIT Protocol ensures that method specific PASS/FAIL criteria
are adhered to.