Under the Environmental Management and Pollution Control (Waste Management) Regulations 2020 (the Regulations), transportation of controlled waste within Tasmania must only be undertaken by a person who is a Registered Controlled Waste Transporter.
The registered controlled waste transporters listed in the spreadsheet below are authorised to transport the listed controlled waste categories within Tasmania in accordance with the
Environmental Management and Pollution Control (Waste Management) Regulations 2020. Please refer to the
list of controlled waste category codes for a description of each waste.
Registered Controlled Waste Transporters (203Kb)
Application for Registration as a Controlled Waste Transporter
Please note that applications for registration as a Controlled Waste Transporter in Tasmania attract an application fee of 200
fee units ($374 in 2024/25) under Regulation 11(2) of the
Environmental Management and Pollution Control (Waste Management) Regulations 2020.
After your application is submitted an invoice will be emailed to you. Your application will be processed once the invoice has been paid in full. Please be aware that payment of the application fee does not guarantee registration. Registration requires applicants to demonstrate competence to manage risks associated with transporting the nominated controlled waste categories.
Applicants are advised that Controlled Waste Transporters must comply with the
Environmental Management and Pollution Control Act 1994, the
Environmental Management and Pollution Control (Waste Management) Regulations 2020, and all other relevant legislation.
In addition, registration as a controlled waste transporter will require you to comply with the conditions in your Certificate of Registration, which you will have the opportunity to review before you are registered.
To apply for registration as a Controlled Waste Transporter please download the application form, complete the required sections and email to: controlledwastetransport@epa.tas.gov.au
Controlled Waste Transporter Registration Application Form (383Kb)
Application for Variation
If you already hold a Controlled Waste Transporter Certificate of Registration you can apply to add or remove controlled waste categories or vehicles to your Registration. These applications attract an application fee of 50 fee units ($93.50 in 2024/25) under Regulation 12(4) and/or 13(4) of the Environmental Management and Pollution Control (Waste Management) Regulations 2020.
After your application is submitted an invoice will be emailed to you. Your application will be processed once the invoice has been paid in full.
To apply to vary your Controlled Waste Transport Registration please download the application form, complete the required sections and email to: controlledwastetransport@epa.tas.gov.au
Controlled Waste Transporter Registration Variation Form (DOCX 387Kb)
These forms can also be used to update the postal address, contact person or address for service by completing the relevant sections. There is no fee associated with making these updates.
Spill Management Plans
It is a requirement for both new applications and variation applications that you have a spill management plan(s) in place that is applicable to each controlled waste category you apply for. The EPA may ask you to provide a copy of this plan for assessment during the application process and it must be provided upon request to an authorized officer once you are registered. If you propose to transport controlled waste outside of Tasmania (see Section 8) you must include a copy of your Spill Management Plan(s) when you email your completed form. Information on spill management plans can be found in the Spill Management Plan Guide.
Controlled Waste Transport - Spill Management Plan Guide (PDF 338Kb)