Please note that information submitted through this page does not constitute a final application. Supporting documents (such as lab reports) must be submitted to before the application can be progressed.
Questions marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.
Name of business entity applying (legal entity name).
(If applicable)
Please enter one or more ANZSIC classifications. These should be 4 digit numbers with corresponding titles.
List of class codes
For main contact person
The address required here is the registered address of your company or other business entity.
The address required here is the normal postal address of your company or other business entity (PO Box no. if applicable).
The address required here is the main address at which your operations take place or are based.
This is the corresponding description given for the code at the link above.
(including any hazardous characteristics)
Physical state of the waste. Please tick one or more.
Any known contaminants in the waste (including concentrations).
Any contaminants that may reasonably be suspected to be in the waste.
Containment or packaging of the waste
The amount of waste (tonnes, kilograms, litres, cubic metres).
Proposed form of handling (please tick one or more).
If you checked 'Other' please describe the form of handling.
Describe in detail the proposed handling of the waste.
If the proposed form of handling is storage, salvage or immobilisation, indicate the proposed final fate of the waste (please tick one or more).
If you checked 'Other' please describe the proposed final fate of the waste.
Final destination premises and address.
Reference any waste minimisation or management plans prepared by, or for, the applicant.
Detail any risk management and environmental management measures to be undertaken.
Describe any alternative options for reuse, reprocessing or recycling the waste.
Describe any monitoring, sampling or analysis proposed.
Name of the controlled waste producer.
Address of the controlled waste producer.
Place of the production of the controlled waste.
The nature of the activity by which the waste was generated.
The period to which the application relates. Specify ongoing or temporary. If temporary provide dates.
In accordance with regulation 21 of the Environmental Management and Pollution Control (Waste Management) Regulations 2020, I hereby apply for an environmental approval under that regulation.
The full name of the person making the application.
Required if application is submitted on behalf of an organisation.
In Progress
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