Classification and management of contaminated soil (Information Bulletin 105)
Information Bulletin 105 defines the criteria used by the EPA for the classification of contaminated soil that requires treatment and/or off-site disposal, and outlines the management of each classification. It is designed for waste producers, consultants, local government, waste transporters and landfill operators who are responsible for determining whether a potentially contaminated soil is suitable to be disposed of at a landfill; and to assist them in assessing alternative options for contaminated soils management and how to make an application for disposal to the EPA.
Information Bulletin 105 - Classification of Contaminated Soils (IB105) (PDF 309Kb)
Note: this document does not meet current accessibility standards. It may also have out-of-date contact details (see below for current contact information) and broken links. The document refers to the legislation that was current at the time of publishing. Efforts are being made to update documents wherever possible and we are committed to improving the accessibility of our documents to better meet the needs of all users. Please do not hesitate to contact us for assistance with this document.
Current links for resources referred to in IB105
Please contact the Waste and Wastewater Regulation Section for the most up-to-date information.
Decision Tree
Contaminated soil may be a controlled waste. The EPA has produced a decision tree to assist persons that are managing waste in determining if a waste is a 'controlled waste'. Further explanation is available under
Controlled Waste.
Controlled Waste Identification Decision Tree (PDF 194Kb)
Advisory Note to IB105
In 2012 an Advisory Note to IB105 was published to assist in the classification of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and further amendments have been made to IB105 to include per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). Written advice should be sought from the EPA if any doubt exists.
Advisory Note for Classification of PAHs