Schedule 2, 3(b), of the
Environmental Management and Pollution Control Act 1994, defines waste depots as:
Waste depots: the conduct of depots for the reception, storage, treatment or disposal of waste other than–
(i) temporary storage at the place at which the waste is produced while awaiting transport to another place; or
(ia) storage, treatment or disposal of clean fill; or
(ii) storage, treatment or disposal of domestic waste at residential premises; or
(iii) waste transfer stations–
and which are designed to receive, or are likely to receive, 100 tonnes or more of waste per year.
The EPA regulates active Level 2 waste depots (landfills) around the state. Local Councils regulate Level 1 facilities (receiving less than 100 tonnes of waste per year) and waste transfer stations.
Tasmanian waste depots are generally characterised as receiving putrescible waste (which can rot down and produce gas and attract birds and rodents) or inert waste (such as building waste and soil). Each kind of waste presents particular challenges. Challenges common to all waste depots include:
- management of hazardous waste,
- protection of groundwater and surface water resources,
- management of off-site impacts caused by leachate, odour, litter and vermin,
- optimising the use of space within each landfill and
- rehabilitating landfills after their use as a disposal site has ceased.
Landfill Sustainability Guide
Best practice environmental standards for landfills in Tasmania are documented in the Landfill Sustainability Guide 2004 (the Guide). The Guide provides information to industry, local government and the community on acceptable standards for the siting, design, operation and rehabilitation of landfills. The Guide also recommends ways to achieve those standards.
Landfill Sustainability Guide 2004
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While the Guide itself is not legally binding, it forms the basis for reviews of permit conditions and assessments of new landfill proposals.
The EPA will consider justified proposals to deviate from the Guide. Innovation is encouraged, as long as it has a sound basis in science and as long as the landfill is designed and operated to prevent pollution of the surrounding environment.
Landfarming is an engineered passive remediation process for contaminated soils. In Tasmania, there are currently no dedicated, approved landfarming facilities.