Lagoon Design and Management

​​The design, construction and management of wastewater treatment lagoon systems is complex. Environmental aspects such as odour, effluent quality, and potential impacts on groundwater need to be considered. Operators, developers and managers are encouraged to seek advice from a suitably qualified professional in relation to the design and management of lagoon systems. 

Some Permits contain specific requirements in relation to lagoon liner construction. Lagoon liners ​must be properly constructed to comply with clause 24 of the State Policy on Water Quality Management 1997. This clause requires safeguards to be put in place to minimise risks of groundwater contamination. The following document outlines EPA requirements with regard to lagoon liner construction.

  Environmental Standards Applying to Liner Construction   (242Kb)

The EPA has also developed a comprehensive guide for designing and maintaining sewage lagoons, titled Design and Management of Tasmanian Sewage Lagoon Systems 1996. Please contact us if you would like to access this guide.​