Site Information

​​​​​​​​​​​The EPA regulates over 500 premises across the State for a wide range of 'environmentally relevant' activities, including industrial premises (Level 2 Activities) and contaminated sites, under the Environmental Management and Pollution Control Act 1994. The EPA also regulates over 500 sites with underground petroleum storage systems under the Environmental Management and Pollution Control (Underground Petroleum Storage Systems) Regulations 2020.

EPA provides information on these sites through LISTmap, which is the Tasmanian Government's publicly available online map viewer application. We welcome your feedback on this service, its usefulness and functionality.

EPA Regulated Premises Information

For each Level 2 activity or contaminated site, under the Environmental Management and Pollution Control Act 1994 legal documents are generated which specify the conditions under which the activities are to operate. These documents are publicly available and accessible on LISTmap through the 'EPA Regulated Premises' layer. This layer identifies the location of regulated premises as well as the regulatory documents that apply to each premises.

These documents are linked directly to the EPA's internal regulatory database so that any changes are automatically updated to LISTmap within 24 hours. This service ensures that the public is provided with up-to-date information on environmental regulation throughout Tasmania.

LISTmap users can search for a particular location in the State and click on the link on the map of Tasmania to download relevant environmental regulatory information. Go directly to the EPA Regulated Premises layer on LISTmap or from LISTmap navigate by selecting the 'Layers' tab and adding the 'EPA Regulated Premises layer', which is under the 'Environment' category.

Further information is available in this factsheet:

 Searching for Regulatory Documents on LISTmap (PDF 224Kb)

Note: For finfish farms, filter to ​​the activity category Food Production and Animal and Plant Processing (see step 7 in the factsheet above).

Screenshot of EPA Regulated Premises layer on LISTmap

Screenshot of EPA Regulated Premises layer on LISTmap

​EPA Underground Petroleum Storage System Information

The LISTmap layer 'EPA Underground Petroleum Storage Systems' shows sites where EPA has received notification of the registration, temporary decommissioning or permanent decommissioning of underground petroleum storage systems (UPSS) under the Environmental Management and Pollution Control (Underground Petroleum Storage Systems) Regulations 2020 (UPSS Regulations). It also shows sites where the EPA has determined that a UPSS was in use before 31 March 2010 but has not been in use since that time, and is considered an 'abandoned UPSS' under the UPSS Regulations. Where an active UPSS is indicated, the potential for a decommissioned or abandoned UPSS to also be at the same site is not precluded. The layer does not necessarily represent all UPSS in Tasmania. It shows only those systems where notification has been provided as required under the UPSS Regulations. UPSS have the potential to cause hydrocarbon contamination of soil and water.

Go directly to the EPA Underground Petro​​leum Storage System Information layer on LISTmap or from LISTmap select the 'Layers' tab and add the 'EPA Underground Petroleum Storage Systems' layer, which is under the 'Environment' category.

LISTmap layer showing location of Tasmanian UPSS sites

LISTmap layer showing location of Tasmanian UPSS sites​