Waste and Resource Recovery for Business and Industry

​​​Business and industry have a corporate responsibility to respect and proactively manage how resources are used or transformed throughout a product lifecycle.​

​​​​Business and industry are major consumers of resources. As such they have a corporate responsibility to respect and proactively manage how resources are used or transformed throughout a product lifecycle.

Business interests are usually best served by converting as much raw resource - namely energy, water and materials - into valuable products and services as possible. Ideally, this appr​oach should also lead to minimisation of waste and reduced pollution.​​

  • Business and Industry Waste
    Managing waste from commercial and industrial sources can dramatically reduce the waste going to landfill, reducing disposal costs.
  • Business Recycling Directory
    You may be surprised at the huge variety of materials can be that can be recycled from business and industry. It is not just bottles and cans anymore!
  • Product Stewardship
    Product stewardship is where manufacturers, importers, governments and consumers share the responsibility for the environmental impacts of a product throughout its full life cycle, including production, handling, use and disposal.
  • Waste Stockpiling
    There are environmental risks that arise from the stockpiling of waste. The EPA has developed a guide to help Tasmanian industry and regulatory authorities (EPA and local councils) manage the environmental risks of waste stockpiling.
  • Legislation - Waste and Resource Recovery
    The EPA’s responsibility for regulating the environmental impacts of waste and resource recovery related activities is clearly identified and defined by a range of statutory and non statutory instruments.
  • Waste Minimisation
    Minimising your waste can help to reduce costs and impacts on the environment.