
​​​Tasmania has some of the cleanest air in the world. Yet we can have significant air quality problems, especially with smoke from planned burning and household wood heaters. The mixture of pollutants in the air we breathe can result in serious health issues.

​​​​​​​​​Current a​ir quality information for Tasman​ia

This link is for real-time air quality data from our network of recording stations around Tasmania.  Information is updated every 10 minutes.

  • Monitoring Air Pollution
    Information on the air quality monitoring activities, stations and data collected by the Tasmanian EPA.
  • Air Quality Legislation
    An overview of the legislation relating to air quality in Tasmania.
  • Wood Heaters and Cookers
    Rules for wood-fired heating and cooking under the Smoke Regulations and further information on woodheater smoke.
  • Backyard Burning
    Rules for backyard burning under the Smoke Regulations.
  • Planned Burning
    Information on the measures undertaken by agencies and industry to improve planned burning practices and complaint handling.
  • Cruise Ship Emissions
    The Australian Maritime and Safety Authority monitors compliance with the air pollution regulations of MARPOL in relation to cruise ships.
  • Air Quality Links
    A list of useful links to information about air quality.