Page Content Questions marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.NamePlease provide your name if you want us to send you an email. How often do you use the EPA website to look at Tasmanian air quality data? * Daily Two to three times a week Weekly or fortnightly Monthly Less than once per month How easy is it for you to find air quality data on the EPA webpages? * Not at all easy, very hard Moderately easy, ok Quite easy Does the information provided on the EPA air webpages meet your needs? * No, not at all It is satisfactory Meets my needs well Do you consider that the air quality information on the EPA webpages is provided in a timely manner? * No, it is not timely Yes, it is timely How would you rate your overall satisfaction with the provision of air quality data on the EPA webpages? * Not at all satisfied Partly satisfied, there is room for improvement Satisfied Well satisfied Very well satisfied Email addressIf you would like a response, please provide your email address. Please re-enter your email to confirmCommentsDo you have any other comments or questions regarding Tasmanian ambient air quality data? If you are not satisfied with what we do please consider providing a response so we know how to improve our service for you.Rich text editor Comments In ProgressPlease wait, your form is being submitted. The page will be redirected once the form is processed.