This page contains real-time data from the BLANkET air station at Oatlands (Southern Midlands, Tasmania) for today and yesterday. The station is located at the Southern Midland Council building near the town centre.
Current air quality for Oatlands
Date: 06 December 2024 Time: 07:30 AEST (add one hour for summer time)
Current PM10 = 4 micrograms per cubic metre
Current PM2.5 = 2 micrograms per cubic metre
Hour-average PM2.5 = 2 micrograms per cubic metre
Air quality health category (from the hour-average PM2.5) is good
The plots below show PM10 and PM2.5 indicative data (top) and meteorological data (bottom) measured today at Oatlands. The most recent measurements are shown in the boxes to the right of the plots below.
Yesterday's data from Oatlands BLANkET station
The plots below show PM10 and PM2.5 indicative data (top) and meteorological data (bottom) measured yesterday at Oatlands (Southern Midlands, Tasmania). The day-average measurements are shown in the boxes to the right of the plots below.
We would like to acknowledge the support of the Southern Midlands Council for assisting in the installation and operation of the station.
Please Note: if network connectivity has prevented remote access to the station the plot will show the most recently available complete day of data.
Using our data
The Environment Protection Authority of Tasmania (the EPA), as licensor of air quality data, publicly shares the material to you as licensee under the Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International — CC BY-SA 4.0 license.
You agree to provide appropriate credit to the EPA (attribution) as the creator of the data; link the license and show the changes made to the data.
The EPA does not endorse you or your use of the data.
The EPA is not responsible for the availability of the data; any data loss; misuse of data or any direct or indirect consequences of relying upon or using the data in its present or future format. If you remix, transform or build upon the data, you must distribute the material under the same license noted above.