Port Latta - Bushfire Air Quality Monitoring

​​Due to ongoing bushfire activity, three (small) air monitoring stations were deployed in the Port Latta area on Friday 15 March 2024. 

One station is at the Crayfish Creek Caravan Park, the second is in the residential area of Crayfish Creek north of the Bass Highway, and the third is at Cowrie Point. 

The stations measure smoke concentrations and also collect meteorological data, which are reported back at 10-minute intervals to the EPA data server. The stations are equipped with laser-scatter instruments for smoke measurement and provide indicative-quality data for public information.

​We thank the residents and the caravan park for access to these sites at short notice. 

Data Plots 

Data plots currently being produced are shown below.

Following is a plot of the smoke (as PM2.5) levels at all three stations. This plot updates once each 10-minutes, with two new data points at each station. It will show the most recent 4 days of data - as in today and the previous three days.

The plot belows shows the PM2.5 at the three stations, with a 5-minute sampling rate.  

Port Latta real-time air data, image plot

For the individual stations, the following plots show the most recent three days of PM2.5, PM10 and meteorological data (though not all meteorological instruments are currently operating) for the three stations.  These will also update every 10 minutes.

Crayfish Creek Caravan Park​​​​

Crayfish Creek Caravan Park real-time air data, image plot

 Crayfish Creek R​esidential

Crayfish Creek Residential real-time air data, image plot

​Cowrie Point​

Cowrie Point real-time air data, image plot

Health Information​ 

​Information about the health impacts of smoke can be found at the Department of Health website: Tracking ​Air Quality​.​